road trip costs

Wanderlust Part 5: Trip Costs

For those of you interested in what it might cost to travel around for 3 months in a vehicle, I am going to list what my expenses were with total costs at the bottom. I stayed with family for about 3 weeks total so lodging and food were provided for free for the most part. I was not paying apartment/house rent during this time. I also brought snacks with me which helped lower food costs. Some of this food was leftover from moving and not included in the total. Luckily my car didn't have any problems and just required a couple of oil changes and a tire rotation.

CA to MN

Gas $300

Coffee/food $13

MN to VT

Gas $200

Hotel $100


Yestermorrow Tiny House Design/Build Course, lodging and 1 meal a day $2,000 - $500 (work-trade) = $1,500

Gas $40

Eat out $30

Farmers market $30

Groceries/beer/wine $45

Gifts $100

Clothes $120

VT to MN

Gas $265

Tolls $38

Oil change $55

Motel $125 for 2 nights

Eat out $155

Tourist $37


Gas $30

Food/Eat out $76

Clothing $20

MN to OR

Gas $425

Oil change $60

Hotel $24

Food $15

Dead horse point park $10


Gas/Tolls $1298

Low gas $2.89

High gas $3.69 in the U.S. $1.272/L in Canada

Average MPG = 28

Car Maintenance $115

Food $364

Lodging $249

Clothes $140

Tourism/Gifts $147

Yestermorrow $1,500

Total Expenses $3,813